The Peat-free Partnership is funded by Esmée Fairbairn Foundation and hosted by the wild plant conservation charity Plantlife. It is a broad coalition of horticultural businesses and environmental NGOs across the UK with the overarching goal of ending the commercial trade in peat across the UK. Despite the widely recognised environmental damage caused by the use of peat in horticulture and progress towards using alternatives, the trade in peat is still ongoing.
As a Partnership, we are dedicated to implementing a ban on the sale of peat for horticultural use in all four nations of the UK. Our efforts largely include lobbying for a peat ban in legislation and raising awareness amongst the general public.
The Peat-free Partnership aims to bring together organisations from across the horticultural industry as well as eNGOs to work towards a peat-free future for the UK, and we are always looking for likeminded organisations to get involved! If you are interested in our work and would like to get in touch, reach out through our ‘Contact us’ page.